Events & Activities
Annual General Meeting 2021
The Annual General Meeting of the YMBA was held on 10th of January, 2021 with the participation of the members, at the main auditorium of the Wimalaramaya temple, Wellampitiya. The meeting was conducted adhering to the strict health guidelines and under the observation of the PHI. The executive positions, except the post of the president, were voted for unanimously with the nomination of new members. It was also decided to change the names of four main committees which were led by the four vice presidents by passing a resolution under the names of- Membership Development Committee, Media Committee, Religious and Social Service Committee and Education, Cultural & Sports Committee.
Annual Blood Donation
The Annual Blood Donation of the YMBA (K) was held on 01st of October, 2020, for the 27th consecutive time, at the YMBA premises with the patronage of National Blood Bank, adhering to the strict health guidelines. The event commenced at 8.30am, with the participation of the President of YMBA and Asst Divisional Secretary of Kolonnawa Division. It was successfully concluded with the participation of 86 Blood Donors, even though this was carried out during a pandemic.
“Avasi Mohothaka - Ekata Ekwemu” Covid-19 Disaster Relief Project
As the main charity organization in Kolonnawa the YMBA always helps people to enhance their livelihood when they are in need. The Covid -19 pandemic is one of the main disasters faced during this century and people who are daily wage earners and those with small businesses faced many difficulties. The YMBA launched a project with the support of well wishers to fund people in need by distributing 150 care packs. Within the first round, 100 care packs were donated among 14 temples, 7 Meheni Arama and 79 families, with the contribution of 56 donors. In the second round “Thurstan Diyawanna Knights" joined hands with the YMBA and contributed 50 care packs worth of Rs.100,000/= to distribute among families in need. The project was executed during November and December in 2020.